Getting Stronger

I am up in Humbolt County in Northern California for the week for work and the forecast for the whole week has looked like this. 

Yep torrential downpours and gale force winds. Landing in the tiny 6 seat plane was not a whole lot of fun. The nasty weather means that I've been stuck in the gym all week. So, I figured it was a good time to start working on one of my new goals: more strength training. In an effort to pull myself out of my post marathon funk, I am trying to refocus myself. So I have 2 new goals- one is to focus on speed since I've been doing mostly slow slogging in marathon training, and the second is to do more strength training particularly for my core, hips, and glutes.

So my workout this week looked like this:

Monday: 50 minute total body elliptical workout at 3 am before leaving for the airport (my elliptical has a workout option that is 3 minute cardio and then a minute where you get off and do a strength workout).

Tuesday: 45 minute run on treadmill, 20 minutes on elliptical, and lower body strength training (inner outer thigh machine, leg press machine, lunges and squats on Bosu ball, and abductors with a band.)

Wednesday: Upper body strength training ("Push" workout from Oxygen magazine) and 55 minute step class.

Thursday: Abs and 55 minute spin class.

Friday: 47 minute run (because I wanted to make my distance 5 miles), 20 minutes on elliptical, and lower body strength training (inner outer thigh machine, leg press machine, lunges and squats on Bosu ball, and abductors with a band.)

And I must be doing something right because wowser, I am sore!

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