Impromptu half marathon and my trusty George Foreman

Hey I ran a half marathon this morning. Not an official race, but I did go run 13.1 miles on my own. I just decided that I am going to go down to Boston Sunday to see some friends and check out the marathon expo. Then Monday morning I am going to cheer for my college friend Jen as she runs the Boston Marathon. So I have running fever. And I realized that it has been about a month since I ran the Rome Marathon. I am determined not to do what I usually do after a marathon, which is not run longer than 6 miles for months after and lose all my hard won fitness. So this year I am going to try and run at least 13 miles once a month.

cheesy, sweat post run self portrait. the camera is strategically placed to hide the giant sweat stain around my neck.

I didn't head out until 9:30 because I did several hours of work before I headed out, which meant that by the time I got home, stretched, checked my work e-mail, and showered I was starving. I will blame the fact that it took me 4 tries to get my new fitted sheet on my bed right on low blood sugar. I had some yummy roasted broccoli, sweet potato, and kale from yesterday but I was also craving some protein.  Perfect time for some George Foreman chicken.

This does not even  include the ice-creamer or snow-cone maker.

I am a small kitchen appliance junky. Seriously I have a whole shelf of them. There have been some that I bought, but just never were useful or helpful (like the cocoa motion that I begged for when I was 13 that took a good 45 minutes to make a cup of hot chocolate). And then there are those that I just love. The George Foreman little grill is one of those.

I know it's kind of cheesy and lame, but I love the thing. It makes a grilled chicken breast in about 5 minutes and the chicken is always moist and flavorful.

What can't you live without in the kitchen?

1 comment:

  1. I love your shelf of appliances! I really want a blender! We cannot live w/o our nice knives. When I go somewhere and help prep food with a dull knife it makes me crazy!

    WTG on the 13.1! I think doing one a month is a great idea!



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