In Sickness and in Health

No, this is not going to be another wedding related post. Despite the fact that many of my recent posts have been wedding related, I promise this isn't going to turn into a wedding blog.

This is about being sick. One of the things that I dislike most about marathon training is that I feel like I am always sick. It's like a nasty cold is always latent in my body, just waiting for my long run to lower my defenses, so that it can attach. Seriously, I feel like I get a cold after every single long run.

I do my best to strengthen my immune system so that this doesn't happen. I get lots of sleep, drink a lot of fluids, eat tons of fruits and veggies, and take a vitamin.

Yet I still get sick. Except for this week. This week my long run had the opposite effect. Saturday, I started feeling like a cold was on the way. I had a little tickle in my throat, some pressure in my sinuses, and I just didn't feel like my usual energetic self. Sunday morning I woke up drenched in sweat. Yummy.

But, I also had to get my long run in. I crossed my fingers and went for it. About half way through I felt my symptoms completely disappear and they haven't come back. I out ran my cold. I will never understand my body.

Do you feel like you get sick more often when marathon training? When do you consider yourself too sick to run?

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! That is great it went away! Phew! I hope you dodged a bullet.

    I don't feel like I get sick more often when I am marathon training. Ha ha. I notice I do when someone visits from out of town (that happened to me twice last year, grr).



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