GU dilemma

I just got an e-mail from the Antactica tour company. Due to international treaty agreements nothing in a disposible wrapper is allowed, including GU. I've been experimenting with different fuels, including Hammer solid perpetum, and enduralyte, but I'm finding that good old GU or Hammer gel works best. The perpetum is too chalky and the liquid fuels slosh too much in my stomach. So now I need a way to put GU into another type of permanent container. IDEAS???

I have my 26 miler to do next week and I'm already dreading it. It just kills a whole day and my legs feel like lead for days afterward. This is my problem with marathon training, I HATE taking days off. Maybe if I could stop eating, I'd feel better about it, but that hasn't happened.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard some people discuss taking gel packets and diluting them into water in a water bottle. You can make a relatively viscous mixture (less sloshing than more liquid fuels) that will be thin enough to get out of the bottle. See Runblogger ( I'm pretty sure that's what he does.

    Good luck with your long run!



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