7 am: Wake Up
My alarm is actually set for 7:15, but Dixie decides it is time to get up. She climbs onto my chest and sneezes on my face until I pat her. We play in bed for a few minutes and I check my phone (despite swearing in New Zealand that I was going to be less attached to my phone once I got home)

7:00-7:30 Get dressed for running, brush my teeth, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, foam roll.
It is nice to have a few more minutes in the morning, so this isn't so rushed.
7:30-8:30 Run
Why is it still so cold? It is the end of March! But, my legs feel pretty good for only being a couple weeks post marathon.
8:30-9:00 Shower and Breakfast
Breakfast of the day is oatmeal with banana, peanut butter, apple butter, and chia seeds. While I eat I usually watch the Today Show.
9:00-9:15 Catch up on blogs and Facebook
9:15-11:00 Study

11:00-12:00 Dog Walk and Chores
It is a nice day so we walk both dogs for half an hour and then I do some laundry and clean up the kitchen.
12:00-12:45 Lunch and Get Ready for Class
I toss some leftover roasted veggies and chicken on top of some spinach for lunch and have a grapefruit with it. Then, since I haven't been to class in a few weeks, it takes me a bit to round up all my stuff for class.
12:45-1:00 Drive to Class
1:00-4:00 Pathophysiology
We spend the first 30 minutes going over the homework and some questions before we take an exam. I finish my exam pretty quickly so I take a walk around campus to clear my mind and eat an apple and some almonds before returning for the last hour, which is a lecture on renal issues.
4:00-4:15 Drive Home
4:15-4:45 Dogs, Mail, Laundry
I take Sushi for a short walk, get the mail and sort the mail, and then hang up the laundry I washed earlier. I also lay out my gym clothes for the next morning and set the coffee maker.
4:45-5:45 Work on a blog post, Dinner 1
I am planning on going to yoga at 6, but I am starving so I warm up a bowl of Shrimp Gumbo to eat before I go. I eat it while I watch the news and work on a blog post.
6:00-7:15 Yoga
I meet my friend Breezy at yoga. It feels really good to loosen up physically after so much sitting and to clear my mind after my exam.
7:30-8:00 Dogs and Dinner 2
I get home and let the dogs out and feed them. Then I make an English Muffin with peanut butter and a bowl of peas for myself. Kind of a strange combo, but it is what I am in the mood for.
8:00-8:30 TV

8:30 Dogs and Bed Prep
I let the dogs out again and then put them to bed. Then, I brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. This always takes me forever at night for some reason.
9:00 Reading in Bed
9:30 Sleepy Time
I am an old lady and it is a rare night that I am awake past 10 pm!
1:00 Brief chat with the hubby
Rory gets home at 1 am and climbs into bed. I wake up and we chat for a bit before I fall back to sleep.