A New Day in the Life

Were you tired of all my posts about how wonderful New Zealand was? Well luckily for you, and sadly for me, we are home and settled back into "normal" life. However, now that I am a full time nursing student, my "normal" life is pretty different than it was a year ago. So here is a little glimpse into one of my days last week.

7 am: Wake Up
My alarm is actually set for 7:15, but Dixie decides it is time to get up. She climbs onto my chest and sneezes on my face until I pat her. We play in bed for a few minutes and I check my phone (despite swearing in New Zealand that I was going to be less attached to my phone once I got home)

7:00-7:30 Get dressed for running, brush my teeth, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, foam roll.
It is nice to have a few more minutes in the morning, so this isn't so rushed.

7:30-8:30 Run
Why is it still so cold? It is the end of March! But, my legs feel pretty good for only being a couple weeks post marathon.

8:30-9:00 Shower and Breakfast
Breakfast of the day is oatmeal with banana, peanut butter, apple butter, and chia seeds. While I eat I usually watch the Today Show.

9:00-9:15 Catch up on blogs and Facebook

9:15-11:00 Study
I pour myself and second cup of coffee and settle at the dining room table. I have a Pharmacology exam this week, so I spend about an hour reviewing my notes/flashcards and taking some practice quizzes. SO many drugs! Then, I do my nutrition reading for the week. I learned all about water soluble vitamins. This reminds me to go take my vitamin, which I forgot at breakfast.

11:00-12:00 Dog Walk and Chores
It is a nice day so we walk both dogs for half an hour and then I do some laundry and clean up the kitchen.

12:00-12:45 Lunch and Get Ready for Class
I toss some leftover roasted veggies and chicken on top of some spinach for lunch and have a grapefruit with it. Then, since I haven't been to class in a few weeks, it takes me a bit to round up all my stuff for class.

12:45-1:00 Drive to Class

1:00-4:00 Pathophysiology
We spend the first 30 minutes going over the homework and some questions before we take an exam. I finish my exam pretty quickly so I take a walk around campus to clear my mind and eat an apple and some almonds before returning for the last hour, which is a lecture on renal issues.

4:00-4:15 Drive Home

4:15-4:45 Dogs, Mail, Laundry
I take Sushi for a short walk, get the mail and sort the mail, and then hang up the laundry I washed earlier. I also lay out my gym clothes for the next morning and set the coffee maker.

4:45-5:45 Work on a blog post, Dinner 1
I am planning on going to yoga at 6, but I am starving so I warm up a bowl of Shrimp Gumbo to eat before I go. I eat it while I watch the news and work on a blog post.

6:00-7:15 Yoga
I meet my friend Breezy at yoga. It feels really good to loosen up physically after so much sitting and to clear my mind after my exam.

7:30-8:00 Dogs and Dinner 2
I get home and let the dogs out and feed them. Then I make an English Muffin with peanut butter and a bowl of peas for myself. Kind of a strange combo, but it is what I am in the mood for.

8:00-8:30 TV
I watch an episode of the Mindy Project and foam roll. Sushi always thinks I am on the floor to play with her,

8:30 Dogs and Bed Prep
I let the dogs out again and then put them to bed. Then, I brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. This always takes me forever at night for some reason.

9:00 Reading in Bed

9:30 Sleepy Time
I am an old lady and it is a rare night that I am awake past 10 pm!

1:00 Brief chat with the hubby
Rory gets home at 1 am and climbs into bed. I wake up and we chat for a bit before I fall back to sleep.

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