2nd Ride

I was so excited to go for my first outside bike ride of the year back in early March. I figured that I'd get a nice long riding season in if I started that early.

And then I didn't ride again until today! Almost a month and a half later! Whoops!

After having a mild winter, we had a cold, nasty spring. Then in the couple weeks since it finally warmed up, it has been insanely windy. I hate biking in the wind! It makes me so frustrated!

Even though it was windy today, I decided enough was enough and I was getting out there. What was the point in paying a lot of $$ to get my bike tuned up, if I am never going to ride it?

I'm so glad I did. It was windy, but it was also super sunny. It was so much nicer being out in the air than cooped up inside the gym.

I live in such an ugly place, I can't stand it.... 

How many times have you been out on your bike?

Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis

Five years ago I had terrible plantar fasciitis. It was bad.  I went to three different doctors, tried a lot of things, and endured a lot of pain before I finally cured it. To save you some suffering here is what I did to cure it:

1) Sleeping in a boot.
Adjustable bilateral dorsi-flexion straps allows for consistent stretch.Soft foam inner layer and padded straps enhance comfort while sleeping.Lightweight, sturdy and breathable shell.Fit right or left.
I paid a lot for this boot at the podiatrist, only to see it on the internets for way less
Basically when you sleep, you point your foot, and yyou plantar fascia shortens and tightens. Then when you go to stand up in the morning, you suddenly lengthen it, creating small tears and inflammation (and pain). The boot keeps your foot dorsiflexed all night, thus keeping the plantar fascia lengthened. I won't lie- the boot sucked. It was hard to sleep in, I kicked myself in the other shin all the time, and the velcro straps ruined so many of my sheets. I had to sleep in the boot for a solid 6 months, but it really made a difference. Not having terrible plain when I first stood up was a sign that I was healing.

2) Getting orthotics
The third doctor finally told me that the root of my problem was my high arches. My arch wasn't being properly supported, so my plantar fascia was constantly being pulled on. When you are taking 20,000 steps during a long run, that is a lot of strain on that poor thing! This was the easiest fix to implement- my feet felt so much better during long runs.

3) No going barefoot or wearing flipflops.
Again because I have high arches. When I was walking around barefoot, or in crappy shoes, my arch had no support. This was the hardest thing for me to stick to, especially in the summer. Who wants to wear sneakers to the beach? Or in the house?

By doing these 3 things my plantar fasciitis was pretty much gone in 6 months. Since then I've felt it start to twinge, but I have always been able to get it to go away by doing. Here's how I prevent it from coming back:

1) Wearing my orthotics and replacing them when they get worn-out
I will admit that I am cheap, so sometimes I try to push my orthotics or shoes when they are worn-out. It's not worth it! I notice almost immediate relief when I replace them.

2) Stretching my plantar fascia and rolling it out using a frozen golf ball
I do toes pose and roll out my foot on a golf fall at night while watching TV. This helps keep my plantar fascia long and adhesion free.

3) Wearing my SLS3 plantar fasciitis sleeves
I wear these around the house which helps to keep my arches supported when I am barefoot. I also wear them on long days at the hospital when I am on my feet all day to give my feet a little extra support. They are comfortable and breathable- way better than having to wear shoes all the time!

Have you ever struggled with plantar fasciitis? Want to win a free pair of SLS3 foot sleeves? 

Enter my giveaway! 

Mother's Day Partner Yoga

My Mom and I had the most fun Mother's Day yesterday I think we've ever had. I signed us up for a partner yoga class at my favorite local studio, The Beathing Room.

We started off sitting back to back and did a series of arm movement and twists and then moved on to a series of forward folds and back bends. It was amazing how having the support and weight of another person make every pose so much deeper and stronger. My chest and back felt so open when we left!

Then we moved on to the fun stuff- partner acro yoga! The instructors did a great job breaking down the poses, helping with proper form, and providing different options.

I went for the advanced version because I am an overachiever like that

and my mom went for the low version because she said my butt was too slippery

It was a small class so there was a lot of conversation and a lot of laughter, especially as we toppled over and crashed into each other. My stomach actually hurt from laughing so hard,

I am so lucky to have such a fun, adventurous Mom who will try these crazy things with me.

How was your Mother's Day?

Finishing Strong

Do any of you read Kristin Armstrong's column, Mile Markers, on Runner's World. com? I love it. She has such great insights and it feels like the topic she chooses each week is so relevant to my life at that moment. This week is no exception. The column is about Finishing Strong: both in running and in life.

Next week is finals and then I get a whopping weekend off before I start summer classes the next Monday. No rest for the weary. But the summer is my last semester, I'll graduate nursing school in August.

I'm tired, physically and mentally. My head feels full. I'm trying to study for my finals and I'm already getting homework for the next semester. It just feels like too much. I  want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week.

Kristin Armstrong reminded me that I always feel this way at the end of a marathon.

"The final stretch of a marathon can be epic. Sometimes you can see the finish line, sometimes not. Either way, it’s close enough to taste but far enough to keep you hungry. Your calves are cramping, or at least mine always are. I’m usually salt-encrusted and ready to be done.Everything about my body aches. And yet more is demanded. You can’t just stall out at mile 26 and walk it on in. Sometimes that final .2 determines the seconds that represent the difference between a PR or a BQ, or not. But it always means something to finish steady and strong."
definitely salt-encrusted and ready to be done

So, even though I am tempted to throw in the towel and say good enough, I am forcing myself to keep going. I won't stop studying and say that I'll be content with a B. I won't show up for my new classes without having done the preparation. I've come this far and worked so hard. I'm at mile 26 with just that .2 to go. Stopping now would give me momentary relief, but finishing will give me the ultimate satisfaction. 

"We do this, because even though it might feel good to stop, it will feel awesome to finish. We learn how to access our backup tank and remember to keep it full. Once we learn the value of finishing strong, we don’t do things almost. We don’t give up."


I turned 35 in June. It's an age that felt both momentous and ominous to me. I'm not just an adult, I'm an ADULT. I've never...