A blog make-over!

I woke up today feeling inspired to totally re-do my blog. I wanted a new look and a new name. First of all, in just a few short months I will no longer be a twenty-something. So I needed a new name. And while I was re-naming it, why not also give it a new look? Don't forget to update your bookmarks, Bloglovin subscriptions. etc to the new url!

Twenty-Six for a Twenty-Something is now Mainely Running @ mainelyrun.blogspot.com


  1. I love the new name! And is the new look that the title is centered? Or am I overlooking something?

  2. Okay, so maybe the makeover wasn't drastic. I changed the background from blue flowers to plain blue (and different shade) and changed around the layout of the top.

    1. Ha ha, don't mind me, just over here.... not noticing things... sorry! The banner cuts off for me after the South America medal. Is that how it's supposed to look?



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