sunrise at the track |
I love reading day in the life posts by other bloggers, so here is a look at a what a "typical" workday looks like for me.
A Day In the Life
5:30 Alarm goes off. I grumble and look at the baby monitor. Cooper is still asleep so I go brush my teeth.
5:35 Cooper is still asleep so I go downstairs to pump
5:45 Cooper wakes up mid-pump. I dump what I’ve pumped into a bottle and go change and feed him
6:10 Cooper falls back asleep after eating (yeah!) so I head out on a solo run.
7:00 Back from running. Check the monitor while starting to stretch. Cooper is just starting to wake up, so I abandon my stretch and go get him.
7:10 Bring Cooper into the bathroom with me while I shower. He plays on the floor and we play a lot of peek-a-boo during my shower.
I am a sweaty runner, so a shower is a must |
7:25 Head downstairs, put the baby on the floor to play, start the coffee, stick my pre-prepped oatmeal in the microwave
7:30 Put Sushi out and feed her
7:35 Eat breakfast while sitting on the floor and playing with Cooper
7:45 Realize I never finished pumping, so I put the pump parts back together and do that.
7:55 Frantically get re-dressed, gather all my bags (lunch, pump, work bag), and go wake up my husband
8:00 Drive to work. Braid my hair (at a stoplight) and gulp coffee while driving
8:15 Get to work, get settled, prep for the day
8:30 First patient
10:00 pump break, check in w/ my husband
12:15-12:45 lunch break. I eat in my car while driving to Target to grab a couple things
getting baby pics at work always makes me smile |
1 Afternoon patients start
2:00 Pump Break
4:45 Head home
5:00 Walk in the door to a hungry baby, so I feed him right away
5:15 Rory heads up to take a nap before he goes to work at 9
5:30 Put Cooper in the bouncer in the kitchen while I unpack from the day (wash lunch dishes and pump parts, store pumped milk). I set the coffee maker for the morning.
5:45 Heat up leftover pasta for dinner for me and cook an egg yolk for Cooper.
6:00 Dinner with Cooper. He gobbles down his egg yolk and a couple bits of broccoli and then amuses himself with his spoon and some Cheerios.
6:20 Clean up Cooper and our dishes
6:30 Stroller walk with Sushi
6:50 Bedtime for the baby. He eats, but because his teeth are bothering him, the feed is a sh*tshow. He alternated between gulping milk and crying in pain first from his teeth and then from gas from gulping. Despite my best efforts, he is so loud that he wakes Rory up. Whomp. Eventually he calms down, we read a couple books, sing a song, and then he is out.
7:00 My legs have been killing me all day since I never stretched after my run. I do some foam rolling and stretching while watching an old eposiode of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix.
7:20 Ice Cream
7:30 Pump
8:00 Brush my teeth and get ready for bed
8:15 Climb into bed , Rory wakes up and we spend 15 minutes talking before he gets up to get ready for work
8:30 Read
9:00 Lights out!
11:45 Cooper wakes up crying because he is teething and in pain. I soothe him and feed him since I’m up anyway
12:15 back in bed
2:00 Cooper is up again. I decide to give him some Tylenol since he really seems uncomfortable and it is not like him to be up so many times in the night
5:30 Cooper is up, hungry, and ready to start the day.