Apparently triathalon is like theater, a bad dress rehearsal means a good performance. Because I had a horrible last swim session earlier this week, but a totally awesome race today!
I did the Tri for Y for the first time last year and couldn't wait to do it again. It's a great season opener because it's a pool swim, a small race, and everyone is super friendly.
I got to the race early and got all my stuff situated. I always forget that you need so much stuff for a tri! I made a list and checked it 3 times to make sure I was ready. I was super excited to try out my new quick zip tie bike shoes and tri sneakers.
I did a better job predicting my swim time, which made me a little nervous. I was in the 8 minute heat, so if I didn't finish in 8 minutes they would pull me out. I was also in the 6th heat which was a bit of pain, because I had to sit around for more than hour before I got to start. I was glad though that I got to watch the first heat. It was the slowest swimmers and they were truly inspirational. There were people of all sizes and ages and you could just tell they were giving it absolutely everything they had. The pool was echoing with cheers and clapping. It reminded me that it isn't about being the fastest- that just finishing is amazing.
A hour, and 4 bathroom trips later, it was finally time for me to start. The guys on either side of me went out fast, but I forced myself to keep it easy to start. And what do you know? I actually ENJOYED the swim. I felt awesome and finished in 6:32. That is 30 seconds faster than last year!
My transition went smoothly. The new zip tie shoes went on so much faster than my old laces, and I was out on the road. The bike course is hilly, but it is rolling mostly. It is also really pretty- we pass fields, saltwater marshes, and ocean inlets. I felt really good and the bike flew by! I piggy-backed with another woman for the first 10 miles, but then she ended up pulling on ahead in the final 3. I thought about taking a gel during the bike, not because of the length of the race, but because of my late start. It had been a solid 4 hours since breakfast. But I ended up not taking it because I felt okay and was afraid it would upset my stomach during the run.
I did the 13.1 miles in 46:57, which is almost exactly the same as last year!
The run transition also went well, though there wasn't much room on the rack for my bike. Honestly, I was dreading the run. My legs were pretty tired, it was warm, and the run has a big old hill. The run is my least favorite part of the course. It isn't scenic and it is just an out and back with a small diversion up the hill.

I didn't wear my Garmin because I think I freak myself out when I see a faster pace than I usually run. So I just chugged along and tried to convince myself short, fast running is fun. For the last .5 mile I was running with 2 other women, one of whom was the woman I rode with on the bike. I caught her! It was kind of neat because were 28, 38, and 48 years old (I love having everyone have their ages on their legs, we should all do that all the time). They really pushed me into the finish. I stayed right with them, and even took the lead for a bit, but then we had to do a little extra loop around the back of the parking lot that I was just not prepared for. They both passed me at the last second, but I just couldn't go any faster. It doesn't matter, I am thrilled with my run time. 3.3 miles in 26:07 for a 7:55 pace. Sub 8's? Me?? Crazy!

I finished in 1:31:34 which is 2 whole minutes faster than last year AND I placed in my age group. I got to go up on the podium and got a fancy little plaque.
More importantly, I felt so good and had so much fun during this race. It's nice to know sometimes that all the training pays off!