My Tri for the Cure 2013 day started bright and early Sunday morning. The race started extra early this year because of the tides. Since the race is only 2 miles from my house, I figured I could leave an hour before the opening ceremony and be okay. Not so much! I sat in traffic all the way there and was majorly freaking out. Note to self, just leave early always. So much better just to get there early.
But, I ended up having plenty of time to park, lay out my stuff in transition, go to the bathroom, and get in the water to warm up.
I love the energy at this race. I got such a nice happy excitement as I headed down to the water and saw all the athletes and spectators. The opening ceremony started with a dance that got us all even more excited and ready to rock. The ceremony was also incredibly moving as cancer survivors and Maine Cancer Foundation staff told their stories and spoke about the impact the race proceeds have. The cancer survivors all came forward at one point and you could just see that cancer affects people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. I was in tears at several points.
After the opening ceremony, it was swim time! It was a great day for a swim. The water was calm and has warmed up a lot in the past few week to around 64. I was in the fourth wave.
I started near the front because I was hoping to get some clean water. I have gotten to the point where I don't mind the ocean itself as much, but I hate being surrounded by people. Unfortunately I was in a pack of swimmers the whole time. I was kicked, hit, and generally just bounced around. I cleared a lot of the people in my own wave, but then caught up with the slower swimmers from the wave before me. But I just kept my head down (literally) and kept moving. I finished the swim in 10:54, good for 14th in my division.
I had planned to meet up with my mom near the fence in the mini-transition to hand off my wet-suit and goggles, but she wasn't there. So, I had to carry my crap the 1/2 mile up the hill to the transition. Oh well. I slid on my bike shoes and helmet, grabbed my bike, and I was out of there.
My favorite part of the tri is when I first get on the bike. I like speed, the cool rush of the breeze on my wet skin, and mostly knowing that I am done with the swim! The bike felt great. I ended up in a group of 3 other women and we went back and forth the whole ride. It made it a lot of fun and really kept my pace up. I even got to embarrass the BF during the ride. He was working a detail directing traffic on the route, and as I rode by I yelled "R.D. is a hottie." His partner cracked up and he turned so red. I love the last mile of the bike. You come through Willard square and there is so much crowd support. I felt like I was riding in the Tour de France. I finished the ride in 49:55 for an average pace of 17.7!
And then it was run time. I wasn't particularly looking forward to the run because it was warm and sunny. But, I slipped on my fancy Asics Noosa Tri sneaks and I was off. I didn't wear my watch, so I had no idea what my pace was. I felt like I was barely moving and my legs felt heavy. It also felt like forever before I saw the first mile marker. I dumped water over my head at both water stops and just tried to keep moving. I hate the last mile of the this course, you feel so close to the finish but they make you loop way around the back of the campus and the path just keeps twisting and turning and you still aren't done. I just tried to stay with one of the women I hooked up with on the bike. She crossed the line just in front of me. Thanks new friend for keeping me going! I gave her a nice sweaty hug which I am sure she appreciated.

Now it was time to relax and enjoy all the awesome post race amenities. I posed for a picture and then hit up the Whole Foods food tent. Holy moly what a spread. I left with a full plate and a whole bag of goodies for later. They had all kinds of bars and snacks to sample. I had a snack while I waited in the massage line, which was nice and short! After my massage we sat and listened to the band while admiring the view and watching the other racers finish.
I was so happy when I checked my times later. I did WAY better than I expected.
This race is so well run, so inspirational, and so fun. I already can't wait for next year!