1. I found a basically brand new pair of Asics Gel Nimbus 16 in my size for $8 at Goodwill!
2. I got a donut, took a bite, it wasn't good, and I didn't eat the rest!
I have this problem of eating all of whatever is front of me, regardless of whether or not it is good or if I am hungry. But this donut was really dry and had a funny, bitter taste. So I told myself it wasn't worth it and put the rest back in the bag. (And then threw it out of reach in the backseat.)
3. Runny Eggs
Most of my life I was grossed out by eggs. I had gotten to the point where I could eat eggs in omelette or scrambled eggs, but if they had more veggies and cheese than egg. Then earlier this year, I got a breakfast sandwich and it came with the egg over easy. I was too cheap to not eat it (see #2 in this post) and to my surprise I loved the drippy, runny egg. So now I've been putting over easy eggs on everything! It's like the tastiest, easiest sauce ever!
That is such a steal on the shoes! Woot woot!!!